2023 Info is updated
The beef and pork pages have been updated. If you scroll to the bottom of each page is the link to the new Ordering info pages that has the details like pricing and butcher dates. Later this week we open to returning customers and in 2 weeks we accept new orders.
We’ve been able to hold our beef price the same as last year but the pork price needed to be raised.
We had been holding that price down as much as we can but this year we had to raise it in order to contiue.
The butcher fees went up a little last fall and those are not updated on our pages.
We did not raise any pigs this winter so will not have spring pork. We do have some ground pork and breakfast sausage for sale but that is all until September.
All our beef has butcher dates in the fall so no summer beef either but there is still 20 pounds of ground beef for sale, You can order and pickup at the cooler by the farmstand.
Thieves. A farmer friend posted a video of someone stealing at a local farmstand near her (schoharie county). Guys comes in with a mask on, checks the change box, turns and grabs a pack of cinammon rolls then takes all the cash. He knew he was on camera as he kept his face turned and parked so the outside camera couldn’t see his vehicle.
Now i wrestle with if I can even have our summer farmstand open without someone ther ethis summer. Sure we have cameras but they sure DON NOT STOP jerks from stealing from anyone. LIke famrers have buckets loads of cash we can just all lose and not be hurting.
So….. I will likely have to limit our hours so I can keep an better eye on happenings at the stand.
It’s sad we can be more trustful and honest but it takes one scumbag to ruin it. Way to sad.
Our weather is nuts. People are tapping trees and sap running in different parts of the state. We haven’t tapped but probably will be doing it soon.
For those looking for firewood or wanting another load. I’m sorry but we sold everything we could that was seasoned in the fall. We are now prepping stuff for this coming fall and none for sale until summer.
The sun is making an appearance right now and I have to get outside and get a boost of it’s rays.